All the peer-reviewed conference papers will have been published in open access Proceedings of the conference (online ISSN 2345-0916, print ISSN 1822-3230). Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Rural Development” are published periodically every two years since 2003 and indexed by EBSCO (Academic Search Complete) and until 2017 indext by Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science).

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2019 and 2021 submitted for evaluation and including to Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) data bases.

Attention! The data bases select the articles from the proceedings for including them in their data bases after individual qaulitative examination.

The papers should be send in English language.
The oral presentation should be made in English language.
The visual presentation should be made in English language.

Paper submission deadlines:

Until September 19st, 2025 – article submission

January, 2026 – publishing of the Conference proceedings