7th International Scientific Conference “RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2015: Towards the Transfer of Knowledge, Innovations and Social Progress“

Thursday, 19th November

9.00–10.00Registration of Participants
10.00–13.00Plenary Session
 10.00–10.20Welcome speech
Rector prof. dr. Antanas Maziliauskas,
Minister of Agriculture Ms. Virginija Baltraitiene
partners of the conference
 10.20–10.40Rural renaissance
Alexia Rouby,
Research programme officer European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, Unit H5 – Research and innovation
 10.40–11.00International Agro-Biological Resources for Sustainable Agricultural Production
Prof. dr. Fujii Yoshiharu
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Japan)
 11.00–11.20The role of small farms in rural development in the EU with special respect to EU 10
Prof. dr. Csaba Forgacs
Budapest Corvinus University (Hungary)
 11.20–11.40Coffee break
 11.40–12.00Towards to Bio-Economy – perspectives of German Biosystems-Engineering under actual political framework
Prof. dr. Thomas Hoffmann
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering (Germany)
 12.20–12.40Coping with global changes, recognizing new opportunities
Prof. dr. Karlheinz Knickel
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany)
 12.40–13.00The effects of forest management on genetic diversity and spatial genetic structure of Scots pine stands
Prof. dr. Darius Danusevičius
Aleksandras Stulginskis University (Lithuania)
14.00–16.00Parallel Sessions
16.00–18.00Political Forum on the EU Policy for Rural Development
19.00Gala Dinner


Friday, 20th November

9.00–13.00Parallel Sessions
10.00–15.30Best Practices Benchmarking: Towards the Transfer of Knowledge, Innovations and Social Progress
14.00–15.30Final Plenary Session
16.00-18.00Kaunas City Tour