Author guidelines

To ensure a quality of articles they will be reviewed by two scientists who are engaged in the same or similarly topics. The reviewers are appointed by the scientific committee. They have to make a review using the form presented in the journal website.

Preparation of Manuscripts

  • A research article is prepared in English. The length of an article is limited and should be 4–10 pages (A4 format).
  • Structure of the paper: title, first name(s), family name(s), institution, abstract (200-250 words, topicality, research methods, results, main conclusions, key words), introduction (the scientific problem (relevance), indicated object, formulated research aim), research methods (theoretical materials and (or) results of previously provided research; methods, used for most components of research, presented in the article), research results (the research results have to be presented in one or, in case of necessity, in few chapters, titled in such way that the reader should clearly understand the essence of material, presented in each of these chapters), conclusions and discussion, list of references and data about the author(s).
  • Data about the author: first name and family name – 9 pt, Bold, author’s affiliation and institution, postal and e-mail addresses – 9 pt, Normal.

Requirements for the text

  • Text editor – Microsoft Word, Font – Times New Roman.
  • All margins – 20 mm.
  • Title of article, titles of chapters, key words, should be aligned to the left.
  • Title of article in capital letters – 14 pt, Bold,.
  • Author’s first name and family name, institution, author’s e-mails, should be justified alignment – 9 pt, Bold.
  • Abstract text – 9 pt, Normal.
  • Key words that will be useful for indexing or searching – 9 pt, Italic.
  • Title of Introduction in capital letters – 10 pt, Bold.
  • Text of Introduction – 10 pt, Normal.
  • Titles of Chapters in capital letters – 10 pt, Bold;
  • Before a new chapter’s title – Single space interval.
  • Text (line spacing – single) – 10 pt, Normal.
  • Main symbols of the formulae – 10 pt, Italic; their indexes – 9 pt, Italic; formulae should be centered and numbered in Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right.
  • Graphics and drafts should be made in Excel program; notes under the pictures; titles of pictures, drafts and notes under them – 9 pt, Normal.
  • Title of tables and text in tables – 9 pt, Normal.
  • Titles of the References in capital letters – 9 pt, Bold; the text – 9 pt, Normal.
  • List of References should be made according to the bibliography requirements presented here below.

List of references requirements:

  1. The list of references is alphabetical by the family name of the author or the first word of the source title. The list of references provides first the Latin character publications. Non-Latin font sources must be transliterated. All titles of references in non-English language must be translated to English. Internet sources must be interactive. Several works by the same author are listed in chronological order. Works by the same author and published in the same year are listed as follows: 2019a, 2019b, etc..No abbreviations should be used in the list of references, all co-authors and full title of the reference should be provided. References are numbered in the list. Detailed information about APA citation style can be found at
    1. Surname, N. (Year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal title, Volume(No.), pages xx–xx
    2. Surname1, N., Surname2, N., & the last author‘s surname, N. (Year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal title, Volume(No.), pages xx–xx.
    3. Surname, N. (Year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal title, Volume(No.), pages xx–xx. http://doi:10.XXXX/XXX.
    4. Surname1, N., Surname2, N., & the last author‘s surname, N. (Year). Book title: Subtitle. Location: Publisher.
    5. Surname, N. (Year). Title of chapter: Subtitle. In Book title: Subtitle (pp. xx–xx). Location: Publisher.
    6. Surname, N./Name of organization. (Year). Website/document title. Available at:
    7. Surname1, N., Surname2, N., & the last author‘s surname, N. Title of Unpublished Work. Abbreviated Journal Name year, phrase indicating stage of publication (submitted; accepted; in press).

Important note: only one contribution as first author and maximum one contributions as co‐author for one person are to be accepted. The papers will not be additionally edited.