Jiří Mašek

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Professional background: Jiří Mašek is a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. He works as an associate professor at the Department of Agricultural Machines. He received Ph.D. in 2007 and title of docent in 2013 (both in Agricultural Engineering). Since 2009, he has been Vice-Dean for teaching and learning. From February 2018, he is the Dean of Faculty of Engineering.

Research focus: Jiří Mašek’s research focus is about soil tillage technologies, grain harvesting and technologies for Agriculture 4.0.

Key engagements: Jiří Mašek is a member of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Czech Engineering Society, Czech Ploughing Association, International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ), European Network of Agricultural Journalists (ENAJ), a member of the Editorial Board of the Mechanization of Agriculture magazine and member scientific boards of 6 faculties and member of International Advisory Board of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies in Jelgava.